Monday, November 27, 2006

Stick to the plan

Stick to the plan, Agoura
The Agoura Village Specific Plan is about as "eclectic" as what was approved on the north side of the freeway-a mass of apartments and commercial development in spite of the Riverwalk project and/or recreational use that was possible there.
The plan currently challenged in court allows 60 percent building coverage with 45foottall buildings, not including parking structures. The General Plan for this same area allows for an average building coverage of 20 percent and a height limit of 35 feet.
"Citizens for Sensitive Development" are in favor of sensitive development to highlight and augment our beautiful surroundings. We don't want 45foothigh apartments on sensitive land, nor the 24hour nightlife that will attract crime, heavy traffic and all sorts of pollution where rare and endangered species live in the town we call home.
It is important you e-mail or call your City Council members, (818) 597-7300, and ask them to follow the current General Plan guidelines for Agoura Village, and ask them to keep the zoning and density the same in the updated General Plan. Mary Altmann Agoura

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