Monday, November 27, 2006

The Numbers Dont Lie

Survey says
During the summer of 2005, the city of Agoura Hills conducted a survey of residents, and the results are very interesting.
The top values are quality of life, low crime rate and the quality of the schools, all by a very large margin. The least desirable aspects were the Kanan Road interchange, traffic congestion and too much development.
So why did the council vote 50 to approve Agoura Village, a mixed-use, high-density project that could lend itself to 1.5 million square feet or more development and generate over 17,500 vehicle trips a day, and allow 45-foot-high buildings in front of Ladyface Mountain?
Many concerned citizens addressed the council, yet members still voted in more traffic, more crime, more air pollution and overcrowded schools. Thank goodness Mary Altmann filed a lawsuit to stop this project.
The most important function of the city council is to regulate development. The current City Council has consistently proven they cannot be trusted to uphold the key values of our community.
At the next available chance, we should elect people who will.

Joe Dallacqua Malibou Lake

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